because of the need to prevent the recurrence of enteric symptoms

because of the need to prevent the recurrence of enteric symptoms

Escalatory symptoms are a disease that refers to the separation of organs located in our bodies from their original positions.

Most of them occurred in the abdominal wall. This causes the peritoneum between the muscles surrounding the abdominal cavity and the fascia to protrude like a pocket. More people may not know much about the disease than expected, but it was originally a disease that is easy to develop from an early age, so if the symptoms occur, it would have been better to visit a nearby hospital for treatment through diagnosis and examination.

In what cases can you suspect that the symptoms of intestinal prolapse appeared?In the early stages of the disease, there is a characteristic that the protruding part returns to normal when pressed by hand or lying on the bed. However, as time went by, it turned out that it was not easy to enter even though I pressed the part with my hand. So I had to be extra careful because I could see something sticking out of my body, and if it was fluffy and pressed with my hands, or when I lay down on the bed to sleep, I could have a bowel discharge.

Can the symptoms of hernia improve even if it’s not surgical?There is also a way to check the deenterology with your eyes, but you can do an ultrasound or CT examination. It is difficult to expect treatment only by conservative method if you develop an intestinal detachment. There is a method of degree conquest that allows you to press the decal area with your hand and return to its original position, which only temporarily improves the symptoms but is more likely to cause problems again, so it was desirable to improve it using surgical methods. It was important not to forget that the disease could not be cured naturally and to respond appropriately.At this time, you might be wondering what kind of surgical method will be applied.One of the most widely known methods to the public was laparotomy. We will do it by cutting the abdomen from 5cm to 8cm. This is a technique that has been performed for a long time, so you can expect a positive prognosis, but the recovery period was longer and there was a burden on scars. In addition to the severe pain, there is also a lot of bleeding. That’s why I often use laparoscopes these days.The laparoscope was carried out in the process of opening a small incision window in the navel, inserting laparoscopic equipment using the passage, identifying the problematic area, and pulling it through endoscope equipment.After that, the hole where the appendix was formed was sutured with a thread that melted inside the abdomen, and the equipment was removed before completing the process. Compared to laparotomy, the scar is not noticeably large in that the incision range is not large, and there is not much bleeding at the same time, so a quick recovery was expected.What are the characteristics of an enteral treatment performed on a spring day?Our hospital also uses a laparoscope to treat the symptoms of intestinal prolapse. Through this, we were able to reduce the incision range and expect a clean process. At this time, the incision area of the navel was not large at about 1cm, so I didn’t know well when I checked it with my eyes. In addition, you can see that the probability of recurrence is not high because you pull it from the inside and sew the hole opened from the inside of your abdomen. Our hospital did not only get positive results through the process, but also made various efforts to prevent recurrence and quickly return to normal life.At this time, I would like to talk about decapitation in detail. If you have any questions or concerns about the contents of the text, please feel free to contact us anytime. I was able to help you with kind consultation and guidance.Previous Image Next ImagePrevious Image Next ImagePrevious Image Next Image

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