Latest Study on Acupressure of Different Blood pressure

#Earhole Acupressure #Acupressure #Self-Management #Vagical Neurology #Herbal Medicine #Ear Needle

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Yuan Y, Zhou Q, Fang F, Li W, You Y.Validating the effectiveness of the pressure wrist ankle strap in light insomnia patients: randomization: randomization for randomization.Test. 21:00 (1) – 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 – “” 환자에서 경도 불면증에 대한 완과혈위 지압의 효과: 무작위대조군연구 프로토콜완과혈위 지압 주5회 8주간 시행. 손목, 발목 부위 혈위를 지압하는 밴드를 착용하여 ‘내관혈’을 자극함.acupressure wrist-ankle strap

We plan to follow up until the 12th week after applying it for 8 weeks. Rating scales are PSQI, HAMA, and TCM syndrome score scale activities. It also measures biological indicators such as ACTH, CORT, 5-HT and NE. Stress hormones, serotonin, norepinephrine

Kamali M、Bagheri-Nesami M、Ghaemian A、Moosazadeh M、Esmaeili-Ahangarkelai、Ghasemi F、Haghighat S. Effect of acupressure on bowel function in patients with acute myocardial infarction under primary percutaneous coronary intervention.경피적 관상동맥시술 중인 급성 심근경색환자에의 장기능(변비)에 대한 지압의 효과 임상연구스리랑카. 학회초록.

Kamali M、Bagheri-Nesami M、Ghaemian A、Moosazadeh M、Esmaeili-Ahangarkelai、Ghasemi F、Haghighat S. Effect of acupressure on bowel function in patients with acute myocardial infarction under primary percutaneous coronary intervention.경피적 관상동맥시술 중인 급성 심근경색환자에의 장기능(변비)에 대한 지압의 효과 임상연구스리랑카. 학회초록.

In an acute intestinal mucosal injury animal model that can regulate visceral function to obtain analgesic effects by stimulating pain-sensitive acupuncture points, acupuncture points stimulated immune-related cytokine synthesis and secretion. – Proper stimulation of the sympathetic nerve and self-healing promoting acupuncture points in internal organs promotes body self-healing function.

10[30] Fernandez, Martinez E, Perez, Colares J, Palacios [Senya D, Abreu] Sanchez A, Iglesias Lopez MT, Carrasco Garido P and Berarde Garcia JF. Pain management and coping strategies for primary dysmenorrhea: qualitative in female nursing students. Nurse Open 2021.Rey Juan Carlos University Faculty of Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Physics and Rehabilitation, Humanities Research Group and Qualitative Research (Hum&QRinHS), Alcorc,n, Spain

10[29] Who Q, Xie H, Zhou L, Li X, Liu Y, Liu M, Wang C, Wang X. Wang Z. Tang J. Xiao H. Auricular acupressure for post-vaccination adverse events related to COVID-19 vaccine injections: a research protocol for multicenter, three-arm, blind randomized controlled trials. 혈압압이이 코로나19백신 접종관련 후 면역반응에 따른 부작용 완화에 도움이 될 수 있을까?: 다기관 임상연구 프로토콜10[29] Effects of Qigong exercise and acupressure rehabilitation programs on lung function and respiratory symptoms in hospitalized patients with Lius ST, Zhan C, May YJ, Guo CY, Chen W and Fang L. severe COVID-19. integrated medical research October 29, 2021: 100796.중증 코로나19 입원환자에서 폐기능과 호흡기증상에 대한 기공과 지압 병용 재활프로그램의 효과에 대한 임상연구10. 23. Effects of acupressure on spontaneous fetal rotation at Hamidzade A, Tavacol Z, Maleki M, Kolahozhan S, Khoslavi A, Kiani M and Vismoradi M. BL67 spots: a randomized controlled trial. October 23, 2021.둔위 태아의 자발적 회전을 돕는 지음혈 지압의 효과에 대한 임상연구Li H, Liu H. Combination effects of acupuncture and auricular acupressure to reduce cancer-related fatigue in patients under lung cancer chemotherapy: a protocol for systematic review and meta-analysis. Drugs. October 22, 2021; 100(42)。항암치료 중인 폐암 환자의 암관련 피로를 완화하는 침과 이혈지압 병용치료의 효과: 체계적 문헌고찰 & 메타분석 프로토콜

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